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Revolutionising Mobile Asset Management with Advanced Solutions

A mobile asset management app significantly enhances your capacity to manage your assets. It will make your work more efficient and accurate. Mobile tools simplify the process of:


  • capturing new asset details
  • conducting audits and inspections
  • issuing and returning loaned assets
  • create, assign, and monitor maintenance work orders
  • asset condition reporting (via photos)
  • managing equipment check-in/out
  • inventory and parts search and assign.


With these mobile tools, you can streamline operations. This ensures critical tasks are performed quickly and effectively. Advanced mobile devices, including ruggedised versions, boost EAM users’ productivity. They cut costs and reduce errors.


Mobile Asset Maintenance Transforms Field Operations

From a maintenance view, the asset register is a central repository for all equipment. It has essential information in an organised format. This enables the execution of maintenance strategies with optimal use of resources and time. Field maintenance workers can access critical information anytime, anywhere, via their mobile devices. They can view work orders, equipment details, documents, and inventory data. A comprehensive asset register is essential for informed decisions on maintenance and spares management.

Mobile app for asset management

Managing Inventory Requirements On-The-Go

Mobile asset management minimises the need for excess inventory. With your mobile app, organisations can manage inventory in real time. This lets them keep ideal inventory levels. With mobility solutions, you can track, reorder, and modify consumables and spare parts. You can also transfer, audit, and report on them. You can do this anywhere, anytime. You will see their location and quantities in real-time.


Mobile Asset Data Capture And Audits

A digital app lets you collect, verify, or audit field data. It keeps your asset register data up-to-date. A verified, accurate asset register will improve asset accountability. It will also help meet governance and compliance goals.


Authorising individuals in your organisation to perform quick and easy audits via mobile phone or to self-audit assets (in their possession) is a fast and accurate way to keep visibility and control. Asset audits can also discover assets that the organisation is incorrectly managing, either operationally or financially, as well as other assets that weren’t being used but were still being depreciated. Digital tools also support in the planning and execution of effective disposal processes.


  • Ensure compliance
  • Due diligence
  • Reconciliation between systems (asset database and finance system)
  • Informed asset planning decisions
  • Reduce insurance and taxes
  • Optimise asset usages, forecasting and budgeting
  • Enable better governance


By using mobile phones and tablets for audits, the process becomes significantly faster and more cost-effective. Additionally, this method offers greater accuracy compared to traditional pen-and-paper approaches, ensuring more reliable data and improved asset management overall.


Connected And Disconnected Environments

Make sure your mobile application supports users in both connected and disconnected environments. Offline functionality allows field workers to continue their tasks even when there is no wireless (mobile or Wi-Fi) connection, ensuring seamless operations no matter where they are located.


Ready To Transform Your Asset Management?

Discover how Hardcat’s innovative mobile solutions can revolutionise your operations and empower your workforce. By embracing Hardcat mobile asset management technology, you not only enhance efficiency and accuracy but also strengthen your overall asset management and maintenance strategy, ensuring your organisation stays well-equipped.


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